Tobiko Quick Start Guide

Document Overview

This document describes how to install execute Tobiko scenarios test cases using Tox.

Install Required Packages

Make sure Gcc, Git and base Python packages are installed on your system.

For instance on RHEL Linux you could type:

sudo yum install -y gcc git python python-devel

For instance on RHEL Linux 8 or CentOS 8 you could type:

sudo dnf install -y gcc git python3 python3-devel wget
sudo alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python3

Make sure pip and setuptools are installed and up-to date:

sudo python
PIP=$(which pip)

Make sure setuptools, wheel, virtualenv, and tox are installed and up to date:

sudo $PIP install --upgrade setuptools wheel virtualenv tox

Get Tobiko

Get Tobiko source code using Git:

git clone
cd tobiko

Configure Tobiko Credentials

In order to run the tests successfully you’ll need to set up OpenStack credentials. You can do it in one of below ways:

Set Tobiko Credentials Via Environment Variables

You can use an existing shell RC file that is valid for Python OpenStack client

source openstackrc

An example of ‘openstackrc’ file could looks like below:

export OS_AUTH_URL=https://my_cloud:13000/v3
export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=secret
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default

Set Tobiko Credentials Via tobiko.conf File

Create a file at ~/.tobiko/tobiko.conf adding a section like below:

api_version = 3
auth_url = http://my_cloud:13000/v3
username = admin
password = secret
project_name = admin
user_domain_name = Default
project_domain_name = Default

Setup Required Resources

To be able to execute Tobiko scenario test cases there some OpenStack resources that has to be created before running test cases.

To execute commands from a virtualenv created by Tox you can type as below:

tox -e venv -- <your-commands>

You need to make sure ref:authentication-environment-variables are properly set:

tox -e venv -- openstack network list

Add reference to the network where Tobiko should create floating IP instances in tobiko.conf file:

floating_network = public

Run Test Cases

Finally run Tobiko scenario test cases using Tox:

tox -e scenario

List resources stacks created by test cases:

tox -e venv -- openstack stack list