.. _tobiko-installation-guide: ========================= Tobiko Installation Guide ========================= Document Overview ----------------- This document describes how to install Tobiko inside a `Python Virtualenv `__. .. sidebar:: See also For a quick and simpler start you can jump to the :ref:`tobiko-quick-start-guide`. To configure Tobiko please read :ref:`tobiko-configuration-guide`. To run Tobiko scenario test cases please look at :ref:`tobiko-test-case-execution-guide`. Install Tobiko Using Virtualenv ------------------------------- Make sure Gcc, Git and base Python packages are installed on your system. For instance on RHEL Linux 7.6 or CentOS 7 you could type:: sudo yum install -y gcc git python python-devel wget For instance on RHEL Linux 8 or CentOS 8 you could type:: sudo dnf install -y gcc git python3 python3-devel wget sudo alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python3 Make sure pip is installed and up-to date:: wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py sudo python get-pip.py PIP=$(which pip) Make sure setuptools, virtualenv and wheel are installed and up to date:: sudo $PIP install --upgrade setuptools virtualenv wheel Get Tobiko source code using Git and enter into Tobiko soruce folder:: git clone https://opendev.org/x/tobiko.git cd tobiko To install Tobiko and its dependencies is safer to create a clean Virtualenv where to install it. Create a Virtualenv and activate it:: virtualenv .tobiko-env source .tobiko-env/bin/activate Install Tobiko and its requirements:: pip install \ -c https://opendev.org/openstack/requirements/raw/branch/master/upper-constraints.txt \ . What's Next ----------- To know how to configure Tobiko please read :ref:`tobiko-configuration-guide`.